The mission statement of the New Zealand Karaoke Room All Sounds Country International
True friends are like diamonds so precious and rare false friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere.
The foundations of the NZKR are built upon biblical principles old traditional family values that embrace basic Maori protocol.
We are a G/ rated venue suitable for children therefore hip hop, heavy metal, rap or any songs that contain explicit sexual content are inappropriate
According to biblical principles the key to peace and harmony is forgiveness, each and every one of us has the power within our own hearts to forgive. It has often been said I can forgive but I will never forget. That is not what forgiveness means, if you can’t forget then you haven’t forgiven. Should you hold any animosity or any issues whatsoever against anyone else, these issues are like seeds, which grow, and develop into animosity often causing the bearer much resentment, and pain
They forget that they too are not perfect yet they demand action be taken against someone without considering they are just as guilty themselves. The judgments that you give will be those that you yourself will receive. It is better to suffer for what is right than for what is wrong. Two wrongs never made a right.
It is not until such time that you have been able to remove these animosities completely and you have acquitted your neighbour of all guilt then you can be sure you have forgiven. To forgive is to wipe the slates clean of any guilt or fault. Never dwell on the past but look towards the future. We cannot change the past but we can most certainly contribute to a brighter future. It is unwise to take things personally
To use metaphorical terms forgiveness can be likened to a boil, we all know that until such time as the core of the boil has been removed we will continue to experience discomfort. So to be it with forgiveness the longer it takes us to forgive the longer it will take our wounds to heal. The moral of the story is remove the core of the boil and let the healing process begin.
No application for admin status within NZKR will be accepted from any applicant who holds a working hat in any other music or karaoke room, or who owns a room in which they intend to open.
If it is considered to be a conflict of interest to hold a working hat in any other music room if you are an admin of the NZKR. Naturally we expect all our admin to support the NZKR when they are online. Entry is without prejudice, discrimination, reservation or hesitation regardless of personal indifference, language, culture, religion, colour, creed or nationality All are welcome.
Team Leaders and administrators must ensure that the culture differences between us all be recognized and be very sensitive to each and every guest who visits The NZKR. We do not ignore any questions a guest may have.
NZKR management prefer whenever practicable that all admin should not work any longer than six hours per day and must rest.
Any shift changes are subject to the Room Co coordinators approval
The room supports both English and Maori text, however in the interest of fairness and taking note of cultural sensitivity to therefore allow as far as practicable all other languages.
It is common knowledge that on occasions a guest may arrive in the NZKR using a particular font colour that may have been accepted in other rooms but is in breach of our protocol. The use of bright and neon style text should not be used unless via prior approval However we allow any guest three lines of grace before we intervene, if after three lines the font colour is still the same then we apply a red dot and advise in the following manner.
As a courtesy to others who may have an eye impairment please do not be offended if we ask you to change your font to a darker colour, as bright and neon text often has adverse effects causing some people dizziness and sometimes epileptic fits, your cooperation is appreciated. If the guest responds then we thank them, if they do not comply in a reasonable amount of time then the bounce is justified..
It is not our responsibility to alter the incoming text and all visitors are required to comply.
Should any guest request a font change from any admin or team member they too must comply without question or hesitation.
This protocol also applies to the use of upper case. We allow any guest the same courtesy of three lines of grace; if the capitals have not changed after three warnings then we apply the same principals as we do for neon text.
No action should be taken in respect of any guest using lower case.
We do not have any jurisdiction over personal profiles; anyone who opens any personal profile does so of their own free will. We accept no liability
The use of profane language, sexual innuendoes, sexually explicit nick names or derogatory comments to any guest who is on stage or not constitutes an immediate bounce, zero tolerance.
The red dot protocol is as follows; No red dot should be applied for longer than 6 seconds, for example, supposing a guest came into the room and was causing a disruption in the room you would ask them politely choosing word that do offend, if they could please amend their behaviour. You give them a reasonable amount of time to respond, you give them three warnings if you receive no response then the bounce is justified.
The confession of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom and only fools will say “I know it all, therefore on going refresher courses are essential and are designed to enhance people skills and microphone etiquette, practice makes perfect, as we are professionals and should appear to be above reproach.
These guidelines are only guidelines and should not be considered rules, they are designed to assist all admins to deal with situations that often occur in music rooms with confidence, and these guidelines mark the pathway to peace and harmony.
All administrators are ambassadors of the NZKR and are expected to uphold and embrace our values pertained in these guidelines, adverse away messages are not becoming of any NZKR are an admin in or outside of the room and are expected to maintain a high standards of integrity.
The ideal admin will stand firm in the face of adversity regardless how hard the wind blows. Even if they feel they have suffered an injustice. Loyalty is best tested under stress
All admin, when you enter the NZKR with your hat you are a professional, you have no enemies, and your worst enemy becomes your best friend. We treat all with the utmost courtesy and respect. Leave your dirty shoes at the door.
Only the CEO or Room Coordinator are permitted to dot or bounce any admin hatted or not. Only in extreme circumstances should common sense prevail, such as if an admin is stuck and request a bounce to enable them to re-enter the room.
Neither shall any admin, on duty nor not, behaves in an unprofessional manner so as to deliberately disrupt the room or antagonize any member on any shift. Any breach of this protocol may result in loss of hat for all involved.
Respect for all team members is essential, regardless of any personal indifferences or issues. To say I will not work with any fellow admin or manager is a breach of protocol and could result in a stand down or even loss of hat.
Each Team Leader is in charge of his or her shift and only designated team leaders of any shift are entitled to issue instructions via admin whispers. All other team members, this includes visiting team members from other shifts, must also comply with the current team leaders instructions. The CEO and Room Coordinator are the only exception to this clause.
Team Leaders are entitled to run their shift any way they choose providing it is kept within the realms and parameters of the NZKR guidelines
The word interference no longer applies, providing all queries are channelled via the team Leader of the shift, for after all we are one team and all on the same side. Should any visiting member draw the attention of the team leader of the shift to any incident to which they presumed was over looked or escaped notice, the team should respond in the following manner:
Thank you so much for your vigilance but we have this matter under control, we do not consider that to be interfering. This however does not give any visiting member the right to red dot or bounce on any one else’s shift. If any issues need addressing they should be conducted in private, in pm or in a private meeting after the shift has concluded. Neither shall any member from any other shifts tell any team leader how to run their shift only the CEOs or their charge have this authority
All team members should lead by example and display the values that they have learned contained within these guidelines. We do not permit anyone to reprimand any manager, team leader, or any administrator in public be it in room text or on microphone, all communications must be kept private.
All members shall ensure that the channels of communication be kept open to all other members either by way of buddy list or open pms. No fellow admin is to be blocked permanently there are no exceptions.
Sexual harassment in any form be it from any admin or guest will receive zero tolerance; severe penalties will apply which constitute an immediate loss of hat or an immediate ban.
All complaints should be referred to the team leader. Should the issue not be resolved at that level then it moves up the chain to the, Room Coordinator telawela
Admin wearing a hat on any shift should not be asked to remove it but if possible should be added to the rotation. By applying this protocol our junior admin gain more experience plus also enhancing, the concept of teamwork whereby the team leader will advise each rotation when and how to pass room to the next admin.
Any admin who advises any shift that they are available to help should be included in the rotation, however depending on the amount of admin already on the shift common sense should prevail. Four admin per shift is a perfect team.
Should any admin require help on their shift and if there are hatted admin within the room they must first ask if that admin is available to help, any admin has the right to refuse if they are unable to assist, they are not committed, and there is no pressure. This will also apply to admin online, however admin online please respond in a courteous manner to the request if you are available to help then please do so, if you are unable to help please advise the admin who is asking, We do not ignore any request for help.
It is the concept of the NZKR to gather and not divide therefore if we have nothing good to say about anyone, its best we say nothing at all. An aggressive attitude causes friction not respect.
The use of first names is considered unprofessional, therefore all team members will address all guest by their given nick names, the only exception to this rule is if any guest requests otherwise.
It is also considered to be unprofessional to talk over the music that you are playing. If you are hosting it is your duty to bring the next guest to the stage without any needless chitchat.
The use of greeters is the team leader’s choice. Only one greeter is to be used and must contain a minimum amount of text so as not to flood the room.
The use of cam recorders is the team leader’s responsibility to monitor, and any nude cams or cams performing any type of sexual activity will be bounced immediately without warning, zero tolerance. All cam participants will be fully clothed. Any visiting admin or manager has the authority to red dot or bounce any explicit cams
There is no I or me in the word team, a team consists of several players for instance no rugby match has ever been won by one man neither has any netball game been won by one woman, they need the support of the whole team. So do we need the support of our whole admin team.
We as professionals never embarrass a guest by advising them that their music is too loud, we only intervene if their music is distorted, as we have the means to control our own volume.
Should a guest take the microphone directly after the last singer has sung we do not reprimand them, we do not bring them down, we allow them the courtesy to play their song, and after they have played or sung their song then the hosting admin will advise that particular guest that we are a hosted room.
No guest is permitted to advertise his or her music room in the NZKR, neither is any guest permitted to post any link without permission from the team leader or the duty admin, breach of this protocol constitutes a red dot and the red dot sequence to follow.
In a situation where there is under five hands raised the Team Leader allow two songs each until such time as another hand has been raised. Songs are to exceed no more then 6 minutes without the approval of the team leader or duty admin however be it at the discretion of the team leader or duty admin.
To avoid any confusion we expect all admins to keep their own guest list of hands, we allow any guest a reasonable amount of time to get to the microphone, we do not continue to ask them in the room, are you there, are you there, or paging so and so give me this in text give me that in text.
We call them then we lower the microphone, should they not respond we call them a maximum of three times, if after three times they have not responded we move on to the next guest.
After the next guest has played his or her song the previous guest should be called again. If there is still no response after three calls we move to the next guest in line.
If after a third guest has been called and there is still no response again. Any admin or team leader may decide whether that should continue if they decide otherwise then the hand is lowered by using the lower hand option instead of the red dot option. It is the duty of all hosting admin to bring each guest up as quickly as possible.
All admin should be considerate, professional and sensitive to other guests and not indulge in any personal relationships in public this amendment does not apply to guests.
Lifelong hats are earned but are not immune from discipline. All must embrace the guidelines
Abusive pms to any team member is unacceptable. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you we are not prejudiced.
Any admin that requires leave should advise their team leader or any manager. Leave without notification could result in loss of admin status. Team Leader are responsible to find cover for their shift should they require leave
Unless you have committed your services to any shift there is no pressure or obligation to host, you host at your own convenience. Management would however prefer all our staff enjoy hosting and not consider it to be an obligation. A happy admin is a good admin. Please be aware that your hat is not a decoration and may expire if laid idle for a month or more.
The NZKR is a G/rated venue. Keen judgment is required! Last but not least It is clearly our aim that each and every one of us should enjoy ourselves whilst helping to promote harmony friendship and peace in conjunction with enjoying the great music and talent.Our special team of administrators bring together their own unique style and flair, and we will not compromise in any way as it is a contributing factor to our success and why we are No 1 in Music Rooms of Paltalk so often.
However, a few special guidelines are required to ensure consistency and to promote the principles of the Room. Being an admin is an honour, which gives each individual a range of powers that should not be abused. These guidelines contain instruction about red dotting, bouncing and are clearly set out. All admins need to be willing and able to work together as a team and a clear line of communication must be maintained at all times. There are no exemptions
Share the microphone when several hatted admin are in the room. An uncooperative attitude could give cause for reconsideration of your position as admin.
All admin must be justified in respect of bouncing on the assumption that someone is stuck or frozen in the room. There are many reasons why a call to the microphone goes without a response.
The development of the Family Whanau concept is another strategy that we have tried to encourage from the birth of the Room and we are convinced it works.
We require admin of the utmost integrity, dedication, loyalty, and commitment to uphold, understand and apply our values and protocol
At the conclusion of each shift the team leaders are expected to pass the room to the next shift on time and will advise the next team leader of any relevant information. If they wish to remain in the room. All administrators are required to help greet the guests regardless
Key principles
To ensure that all who visit the NZ karaoke Room are treated with the utmost respect and courtesy and enjoy the music and chat in a hospitable and friendly atmosphere. We ask in return the same courtesies and respect that we offer to you. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Respect our values and we will respect yours
The duty of all Administrators
To manage The NZ Karaoke Room and apply the principles and guidelines designed to promote enjoyment and friendly chat the administrator is the ambassador and peacemaker of the room
The iron fist in a velvet glove approach should be adhered to as far as practicable be firm but always gentle
The Administrator who opens the room must ensure the link to the NZKR website is placed in the banner and the normal administration console features are activated.
The duty Team Leader is in charge of the room and is expected to maintain a warm and friendly environment, in opposed to clinical and cold he or she is required to uphold our G/rated classification
Paltalk provides the option to mute.... Should a Visitor use this mute option while in the NZKR, Team Leaders and Administrators should take no action, as we do not have any muting policy.
All other pms require permission from the recipient. In case of any breach the red dot is to be applied followed by a warning, if the offender persists the bounce is to be applied.
A dim view is cast upon administrator’s resignations and Manalino reserves the right to accept or deny, however any resignation is to be sent directly to his email at mail to: preferably before posting on any of our notice boards.
Coordination of administrators
Regular meetings of Administrators will be arranged. All administrators should be in attendance as critical issues may be discussed and decisions made that affect the operation of the NZKR.
It is considered to be a breach of trust to copy posts from private pms for the purpose of undermining or convicting your fellow admin
Manalino CEO
Copyright © ™ NZ Karaoke Room 2010/Web Hosting/Sponsors & Legal Services
NZKR Guidelines